Volume Control, DesktopX plugin and other news

Volume Control and the DXVolumeControl plugin have been uploaded to Wincustomize. You should be able to get them in a few days. Here are the links: Volume Control and DXVolumeControl (they haven’t been moderated as of today, so you will have to wait a little bit).

After finishing the Vista version of the Volume Control widget, I actually added a XP compatibility layer to the DXVolumeContol plugin, so the only thing the vista version has over the XP one is true synchronization between the volume mixer and the plugin (on XP, the callbacks function are not working). This allows me to only have one version of the plugin running on both operating systems (less work needed on my side, which always is better 🙂 ).

Work on LogonSwitcher has been slower than I wanted. Version 0.7 should go to my two beta-testers today. Still a lot of work needed on the UI, but the basic functionality is in. I added a bunch of logon using really nice pictures from flickr (under a CC license). I still need to do a full logon with all new graphics (this is going to take a lot of time 😀 ) 

 Corrected some problems with the export functionality. Some of those only happen when using multiple file format (that won’t be the case for the first release).

Currently listening to Norah JonesSomewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World